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All PMU faculties are encouraged to apply for external funding for his/her research. The CRD Head and his staff will collect and provide information on funding opportunities and deadlines for submission of full application package; and will assist interested faculties to submit their grant application. All faculty correspondences with external grant agencies should be go through the CRD office. In addition, all grant applications must be submitted through proper channel (through Department Chair, College Dean, CRD Head, VRAA and the Rector). Once an application is received from the applicant, the CRD Head will expedite the processing of the application for final submission. Each external funding agency has its own method and policy of monitoring the progress of the project activities. The recipient faculty must abide by the policy stated in his/her grant and inform the agency about the progress of a research project in a timely manner. In addition, he must submit a quarterly progress report to the CRD Head to keep him informed. Recipients of external grants must understand that external grants are given to individual faculty while working at PMU; and the university bears the responsibility of any unfortunate and unexpected incidence. While applying for external grants, the applicant must assign a Co-PI, who in the event of PI’s departure from PMU, will be responsible for continuing the project work until completion.