About PMU > Governance > Institutional Planning & Research > Institutional Research & Analytics


It is responsible for the production of both standard and customized data reports to support decision-making by various campus constituents, including decisions related to student success, program review, planning, and resource allocation. It will provide support to campus constituents with their data requests and will offer training to those interested in accessing available data on their own. It contributes to strategic planning, recruitment, retention and student success strategies, and the development of institutional policy.

Create various ad-hoc reports as needed by campus/departmental leadership across the entire campus.

Assist campus administrators and the Institutional Effectiveness Council with research, planning, and analysis of institutional and/or comparative data used to support and enhance evidence-based decision-making and policy formation in areas such as strategic planning, resource allocation, enrollment management, institutional effectiveness, and outcomes assessment.

Provide interpretation and analysis of statistical reports to campus leadership and other campus groups.

Assist with enrollment projections and retention analyses. Use multivariate analysis, regression analysis and other statistical tools in order to interpret data and make predictions.

Oversee administration of surveys including NSSE, FSSE, SSI, campus climate, etc.

Maintain archival research information essential for retention, graduation, and trend analysis.