About PMU > Governance > Principles of Governance

Principles of Governance

Main Governance Principles

Governance principles at PMU include:
  1. Accountability: The institution is governed with focus on accountably integrity and transparency in academic, administrative and financial practices and decisions. PMU ensures that the positions of influence are filled with individuals who possess the competence, credentials and adherence to the those institutional values and principles;
  2. Engagement: The PMU governance model ensures that all stakeholders: students, staff and faculty, parents, industry and businesses and the external academic community engage with the governance practices to allow various perspectives , views and innovative and inclusive strategies;
  3. Academic Governance: PMU Governance model focuses on the quality of the academic and educational practices, and that all decisions contribute to raising the academic quality and enhancing the academic experience;
  4. Risk Management: PMU reserves a priority to its risk management and control (Financial, administrative and academic risks) to ensure the sustainability of the institution facing the challenges and threats;
  5. Value of the Human Capital: the PMU governance model manages resources with integrity and transparency, however, as a higher education institution, PMU recognizes the value of the Human Capital and ensures that its decision making meets the need of its direct community of students, staff and faculty, as well as the expectations of the external community in the Eastern Province of KSA and the Kingdom at large.

Instruments of Governance

PMU Governance model is run by specific bodies and processes. These are:
  1. The PMU Charter;
  2. The PMU Councils and Committees System;
  3. The PMU Policies and Procedures
  4. The Strategic Planning System
  5. Executive Decisions

The Cascading Model

In its model of planning and reporting, PMU adopts the cascading model described in this document (Fig. 1). This model ensures a unified sense of institutional direction that is shared by all units and departments. This creates coherence and purpose in the strategic, annual and day-to-day course of work, and a purposeful distribution of resources. The model is overseen by the Strategic Planning Council, it is stemming from the institutional mission, vision and values, and it is managed by tools of planning and reporting described in fig.1 such as Dashboards and Operational Plans. The whole cycle is audited and assessed by the Institutional Effectiveness System.