Course Description

  • EEEN 2111: Circuits I Lab - Also listed as COEN 2111: Circuits I Lab (0.1)
    • This course covers experimental aspects of the topics covered in GEEN 2314: Circuits I. Topics include basic bread-boarding techniques and circuit construction; use of multi-meters, oscilloscopes, power supplies, and function generators; DC and AC voltage and current measurement techniques; troubleshooting techniques; and comparison of experimental and simulated circuits.
      Prerequisites: MATH 1324: Calculus III, PHYS 1422: Physics for Engineers II. Completion of or concurrent registration for: MATH 2332: Differential Equations, GEEN 2314: Circuits I
  • EEEN 3301 – Internship (3,0)
    • This is a senior year course aimed at developing field experience for electrical Engineering students. The completion of this course is achieved through internship in industry and other field experience organizations approved by the electrical Engineering Department. Students are expected to gain hands-on field experience in applied electrical engineering, engineering project management/execution and other engineering and business skills.
      Prerequisites: completion of junior year.
  • EEEN 3312: Circuits II - Also listed as COEN 3312: Circuits II (2,1)
    • This course is a continuation of GEEN 2314: Circuits I. Topics include a review of DC and AC circuit analysis techniques; complex numbers and phasors; use of phasors in the analysis of AC circuits; AC power concepts; polyphase circuits; magnetically coupled circuits; applications of Laplace and Fourier transforms in circuit analysis; s-domain circuit analysis; Bode plots; and filters.
      Prerequisites: MATH 2332: Differential Equations, GEEN 2314: Circuits I, EEEN 2111: Circuits I Lab
  • EEEN 3331: Digital Systems - Also listed as COEN 3323: Digital Systems (2,1)
    • This course addresses the understanding and design of digital systems. Topics progress through Boolean algebra and logic gates; combinational logic; sequential logic and synchronous sequential logic systems; and design of logic circuits.
  • EEEN 3341: Signals and Systems - Also listed as COEN 3322: Signals and Systems (3,0)
    • This course presents instruction in electrical signals and systems. Subject matter includes types of signals and systems, signal and system modeling, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform and applications, Laplace Transform and applications, state variable techniques, discrete time signals and systems.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3312: Circuits II
  • EEEN 3361: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves (3,0)
    • This course presents a study of electromagnetic fields and their relationship to problem solving in engineering. The course of study begins with the development of an understanding of the basics, moves to integration of the basic knowledge, and proceeds to the ability to use that knowledge to solve electromagnetic field problems using analysis, modeling, and simulation.
      Prerequisites: PHYS 1422: Physics for Engineers II, MATH 1324: Calculus III
  • EEEN 3391: Probability and Random Signal Analysis (3,0)
    • This course covers probability, statistics, random variables, random signals, introduction to random processes, correlation functions and analysis of linear system response to random inputs and disturbances. Engineering applications to signal processing and linear system analysis also are included.
      Prerequisites: Concurrent registration in EEEN 3341: Signals and Systems
  • EEEN 3421: Electronics I - Also listed as COEN 3421: Electronics I (3,1)
    • This course is the first of two courses in the use of electronic devices in analog and digital circuits. The lecture component covers device physics and modeling of op-amps, diodes, FETs, and BJTs; single and multi-stage amplifiers; differential amplifiers; feedback; frequency response; and Bode plots. The laboratory component covers generation and acquisition of signals; current, voltage, and impedance measurements; transfer function measurement; and spectrum measurements and analysis.
      Prerequisites: GEEN 2314: Circuits I, EEEN 2111: Circuits I Lab. Completion or concurrent registration for: EEEN 3312: Circuits II
  • EEEN 3422: Electronics II (3,1)
    • This course is the second of two courses in the use of electronic devices in analog and digital circuits. Its lecture component covers analysis and design of operational amplifier circuits, D/A and A/D conversion, CMOS logic circuits, filters, oscillators and multivibrator circuits, power amplifiers, and pulse and switching circuits. The laboratory component covers the design and analysis of electronic circuits for digital and analog applications to a set of prescribed criteria.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3421: Electronics I
  • EEEN 4321: Sensors and Instrumentation (2,3)
    • The course provides senior students in Electrical Engineering a hands‐on introduction to the fundamental technology and practical application of sensors. Capacitive, inductive, optical, ultrasonic, and other sensing methods are examined. Instrumentation techniques incorporating computer control, sampling, and data collection and analysis are reviewed in the context of real‐world scenarios. Open‐ended laboratory activities and required written documentation help to develop students’ analytical and communication skills
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3422: Electronics II
  • EEEN 4311: Design Methodology and Project Management (3,0)
    • This course presents an overview of engineering design designed to prepare students for ASSE 4311: Learning Outcome Assessment III, the final capstone course for engineering majors. Its subject matter is the entire product design process including project planning, quality function deployment, design specification, concept generation and selection, system and subsystem design, the role of engineering economics, the profession’s codes and standards, and project management.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3391: Probability and Random Signal Analysis, GEEN 3211: Engineering Economy
  • EEEN 4321: Sensors and Instrumentation (2,3)
    • The course provides senior students in Electrical Engineering a hands-on introduction to the fundamental technology and practical application of sensors. Capacitive, inductive, optical, ultrasonic, and other sensing methods are examined. Instrumentation techniques incorporating computer control, sampling, and data collection and analysis are reviewed in the context of real-world scenarios. Open-ended laboratory activities and required written documentation help to develop students’ analytical and communication skills
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3422: Electronics I
  • EEEN 4331: Microprocessors (2,1)
    • This course presents the development of microprocessor systems with an introduction to assembly language programming. Instruction includes hardware-software interactions, programming techniques, and control of real-time hardware. Through the classes and labs, students are led to integrate knowledge into hands-on design and control applications.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3331: Digital Systems
  • EEEN 4341: Communication Systems (2,1)
    • This course presents a study of telecommunications theory and practice. Students develop competency in information theory; signals; systems; and analog modulation; digital data transmission; and error correcting codes. Methods of instruction include lecture, class discussion, and out-of-class assignments.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3341: Signals and Systems, EEEN 3391: Probability and Ransom Signal Analysis
  • EEEN 4342: Digital Communication Systems (3,0)
    • This course presents an overview of the field of digital communications. The learning experiences provide students with grounding in the underlying basic theory of digital modulation and coding. Instruction in the course makes use of computer simulation and problem solving to encourage students’ ability in practical applications.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 4341: Communication Systems
  • EEEN 4343: Wireless Communication Systems (3,0)
    • This course constitutes an introduction to wireless communications and networks. Students acquire an understanding of this technology’s development and study transmission fundamentals, principles of operation, design, and issues current to the field.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3361: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, EEEN 4341: Communication Systems
  • EEEN 4351: Automatic Control Systems (2,1)
    • This course introduces automatic control systems. The elements of control systems are presented. Students progress through class activities and labs to apply knowledge through analysis and design of systems. The course includes mathematical modeling of systems.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3312: Electric Circuits II
  • EEEN 4361: Electric Machinery (2,1)
    • This course addresses the principles of electrical transformers and machinery, their analysis and design. Instruction begins with the basics of magnetic circuits and transformers and progresses through the study of electrical machinery, with an introduction to electrical power systems analysis.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3312: Electric Circuits II, EEEN 3361: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • EEEN 4371: Electric Power Systems (3,0)
    • This course presents a study of electrical power systems, their analysis, operation, and design. Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts of the field. The class progresses through consideration of models to modern operations. Students consider issues and real-world problem analysis and solutions.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 4361: Electric Machinery, EEEN 4391: Advanced Applied Mathematics. Concurrent registration in EEEN 4372: Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
  • EEEN 4372: Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (3,0)
    • This course addresses the principles of electrical power transmission and distribution. It covers analysis and design of overhead and underground transmission lines; electric and magnetic field profiles; medium and low voltage distribution systems; transformer connections; faults and selection of protective equipment.
      Prerequisites: EEEN 3361: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, EEEN 4391: Advanced Applied Mathematics. Concurrent registration in EEEN 4371: Electric Power Systems
  • EEEN 4391: Advanced Applied Mathematics (3,0)
    • This course covers engineering applications of ordinary and partial differential equations, Fourier and Laplace transforms, linear algebra; introduction to numerical analysis and complex variables. Mathematical modeling with applications to analysis and design of deterministic engineering systems also are included.
      Prerequisites: MATH 1324: Algebra III, MATH 2332: Differential Equations.