Academics > Undergraduate Degree Programs > College of Law > Performance Expectations
Performance Expectations

Required Grade Average

Pursuant to PMU policy, the College of Law applies a four scale point average (GPA) system. The following grading system is used:
A+                   4.00 grade points
A                     3.75 grade points
B+                   3.50 grade points
B                     3.00 grade points
C+                   2.50 grade points
C                     2.00 grade points
D+                   1.50 grade points
D                     1.00 grade points
F                      0 grade points
WF*    0 grade points
*Administrative Withdrawal

Students are required to maintain an overall GPA of 2.0.

If the student gets "D" or "F" in a course, he should repeat that course and to obtain the passing grade (D+ or more). In all the Preparation Year Program courses, the passing grade is C.

Length of the Program

The law program is designed to be completed in four years (eight semesters). A student admitted to and enrolled in a degree program usually registers for 15 to 19 credits each semester. The required minimum load for all students is 12 credits per semester, and the maximum load is 20 credits per semester, with certain exceptions.

Students must complete all degree requirements within eight years of admission to PMU as an undergraduate student, including leave time from the university.