Student Outcomes

Program Duration

The Program is designed to be completed in 24 months. Lectures and classes are conveniently paced and are conducted in seventeen modules of nine or eleven days each. This enables the participants to be away from their jobs for only a minimum period of time. 

Credit Hours

The Program consists of 80 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) that stands for:
  1. One credit corresponds to 8 teaching hours (at 60 minutes per lecture hour).
  2. Total study hours including teaching hours, examinations, assignment, and all study hours.

The segments are:

  1. Foundation Segment: 15 ECTS credits (5 courses @3 ECTS credits each course).
  2. Integration Segment: 33 ECTS credits (8 courses @ 4 ECTS credits each course and 1 workshop @ 1 ECTS credit).
  3. Focus Segment: 12 ECTS credit ( 4 courses @ 3 ECTS credits each course)
  4. Master Thesis: 20 ECTS credits

Note: 80 ECTS equivalent to 45 credits at PMU. 

In the continuous effort to improve their programs, PMU reserve the right to change the title and contents of a course due to evolving market trends.