Research and Publications


  • McNally, B. and Shaw, R. (2012). responding to Christchurch: Implications for HR/OSH practitioners, New Zealand Human Resource Magazine, June/July pp 20-21.

  • McNally, B. and Shaw, R. (2012). Keeping people safe during an emergency deployment, New Zealand Human Resource Magazine, August/Sept pp 22-23

  • McNally, B. (2012). Learning the Lessons: The Role of Human Resources in the Christchurch Emergency, New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.12, No. 3, pp 124-135.

  • Shaikh Arifusalam, “Customer Allocation in Maximum Capture Problems”. Accepted in Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms (JMMA) 2012. DOI: 10.1007/s10852-012-9185-5

  • Viets, A. (2012). Global Glue and the Case of Fonterra, Vogelsang,J., et. al. (Eds). Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices in Organization Development from the OD Network. New York, NY: AMACOM.

  • Viets, A. (2012). Global Glue and the Case of Fonterra. Organization Development  Practitioner, 44 (1), 24-27.

  • Viets, A. (2012) (expert commentary on the case study, Resolving Conflict at the Walberg Bank Group, by H. Johnson). Organization Development Practitioner, 44 (2), 49-50.


Vogelsang, J., Townsend, M., Minahan, M., Jamieson, D., Vogel, J., Viets, A., Royal, C., and Valek, L (2012). Handbook for Strategic HR: Best Practices in Organization Development from the OD Network, AMACOM Publishing: American Management Association.