Research & Publications

Dr. Jaafar Alghazo

Publications (Selected)
  • Electrocardiogram based methodology for computing of Coronary Sinus Pressure, 2011, Alzubaidi L, El Hassan A, Al Ghazo J, IJCSI 2011; ISSN: 1694-0814 Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp.382-386.
  • Computation of Coronary Sinus Pressure Using Pattern Recognition Techniques.
  • Modeling and Synthesis of Human Insulin Secretion Mechanism Using CAD IAENG IMECS 2012 - International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 (IMECS 2012). Conference proceeding published by IAENG (ISBN: 978-988-19251-1-4).
  • Using CAD to Model and Synthesize Human Insulin Secretion Mechanism Canadian Journal on Biomedical Engineering & Technology Vol. 3 No. 2, February 2012.
  • Automatic Service and Protection Path Computation - A Multiplexing Approach, 2012, The 13th International Conference on Internet Computing (Las Vegas - US ).

Dr. Nazeeruddin Mohammad

Recent Publications:
  • Nazeeruddin Mohammad and Shahabuddin Muhammad, “Modeling and Analyzing MAC Frame Aggregation Techniques in 802.11n Using Bi-dimensional Markovian Model” accepted in NDT 2012 Dubai, to appear in CCIS Series of Springer LNCS, 2012.
  • Nazeeruddin Mohammad, “Enhancing the Scalability of Agent-based Services in Self Organizing Networks”, Accepted for publication in 7th International Conference on Broadband and Biomedical Communications (IB2COM), Nov 2012.