HR > Online Application

Online Application



The PMU expects that all faculty and staff will conduct themselves in a highly professional manner at all times and serve as examples of appropriate behavior for all students. In addition, all faculty and staff are expected to understand, respect, and adhere to all PMU rules and regulations, as well as those of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .

Listed below are several standards of behavior that are imperative for employees to understand and to support. Failure to adhere to these conditions is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

1.    PMU prohibits any cohabitation with an employee and a member of the opposite sex, except with his or her lawful spouse.

2.    PMU expects all employees and dependents to observe the dress code when appearing in public. The dress code for female employees will include traditional Kingdom attire such as abaya and head scarf. Failure to abide by these conditions will subject the employee to disciplinary action.

3.    All employees are expected to maintain standards of conduct suitable and acceptable to work environment. Disciplinary action, including dismissal, may be imposed for unacceptable conduct. Example of unacceptable conduct include, but are not limited to:

·         All PMU buildings are non-smoking environments.

·         Falsification of time sheets, personnel records, or other PMU records.

·         Neglect of duties or wasting time during work hours.

·         Bringing intoxicants or drugs onto the premises of PMU.

·         Using intoxicants or drugs, having intoxicants or drugs in one’s possession, or being under the influence of intoxicants or drugs on the premises at any time.

·     Abuse or waste of tools, equipment, fixtures, property, supplies, or goods of the institution.

·      Creating or contributing to unhealthy or unsanitary conditions

·     Violations of safety rules or accepted safety practices.

·    Failure to cooperate with supervisor or co-worker, impairment of function of work unit, or disruptive conduct.

·     Disorderly conduct, harassment of other employees (including sexual harassment), or use of abusive language on the premises.

·    Fighting, encouraging a fight, or threatening, attempting or causing injury to another person on the premises.

·    Theft, dishonesty, or unauthorized use of institutional property including records and confidential information.

·    Refusal of an employee to follow instructions or to perform designated work that may be required of an employee, or refusal to adhere to established rules and regulations.

·   Repeated tardiness or absence, absence without proper notification to the supervisor or without satisfactory reason, failure to report for work or to make appropriate contact with the supervisor to report an absence from work, or unavailability for work.