Life @ Pmu > The Learning Outcomes Process
The Learning Outcomes Process
The intellectual abilities and skills associated with the university’s prescribed learning outcomes are developed over a period of time across all aspects of the university – the Assessment Capstone Series, University Core Curriculum, College Core Curriculum, and Academic majors in the university’s three colleges.

Learning outcomes and their assessment at PMU are guided by the following principles:
  • Utilization – Learning techniques and assessments are used frequently.
  • Engagement – Learning is an active process.
  • Feedback- Learning incorporates a method of evaluation that effectively communicates techniques for improvement to students.
  • Repetition – Learning instills PMU values and learning outcomes through regular, repeated functions.

The level of performance expected is communicated through formal and informal feedback throughout the student’s university careers. Emphasis is placed on reinforcing student’s strengths and motivating them toward greater achievements.