COMMUNICATION COURSES (Listening and Speaking) – PRPC
PRPC 0002: Pre-Beginner Communication Skills
PRPC is a course for pre-beginner EFL learners. This course introduces the learner to active and minimal passive vocabulary acquisition, speaking for general communicative purposes, and active listening for comprehension and production of an appropriate response. The pre-beginner level will build a foundation from the entry-level A1 CEFR level status and progress to the low A2 level.
PRPC 0021: Beginner Communication Skills
PRPC 0021 is a course for beginner EFL learners. This course introduces the learner to active and minimal passive vocabulary acquisition, speaking for general communicative purposes, and active listening for comprehension and production of an appropriate response. The beginner level will build on the foundations of A2 CEFR level skills and progress towards the low B1 level.
PRPC 0041: Intermediate Communication Skills
PRPC 0041 is an intermediate-level course for EFL learners. It continues to prepare students to achieve a higher level of vocabulary for communication, speaking routines and patterns, and listening skills for comprehension and response. This course exposes PMU students to the student-centered, highly active and interactive EFL classroom environment and its performance requirements. The intermediate level guides the student from low B1 to high B1 CEFR level skills.
PRPC 0061: Advanced Communication Skills
PRPC 0061 is an advanced level course for EFL learners. This course exposes PMU students to the student-centered, highly active and interactive EFL classroom environment and its requirements. It continues to prepare students to use a higher level of vocabulary and more advanced speaking routines and patterns for communication as well as to listen for comprehension and response. By the end of the course students should attain a B2 CEFR level in listening and speaking.
PRPW 0002: Pre-Beginner Writing Skills
PRPW is a pre-beginner reading and writing course that provides a strong foundation in English grammar with the learning of simple tense forms (past, present and future), parts of speech, sentence structure, and other needed grammar. Students learn to apply the grammar at the pre-beginner level in writing basic sentences, and then progress to writing a simple, basic paragraph. In the reading component, students use comprehension strategies to improve understanding of basic reading passages. Students learn to read for the main ideas and supporting details. The course guides the student from CEFR level A1 to A2
PRPW 0021: Beginner Writing Skills
PRPW 0021 is a course for beginner EFL learners. It provides a foundation in English grammar with acquisition of present and past verb tenses in simple and progressive forms, as well as other beginning structures. Basic paragraph-writing skills are formed through an introduction to the writing process and the incorporation of organization, sentence structures and mechanics. In the reading component, students utilize comprehension strategies to improve understanding of basic reading passages and read daily to acquire the habit of reading. The beginner level will build on foundations of the A2 CEFR-level skills and progress towards the low B1 level.
PRPW 0041: Intermediate Writing Skills
PRPW 0041 is an intermediate-level course for EFL learners. The course focuses on expanding students’ reading comprehension, writing, and grammar proficiencies. In writing, having mastered basic and some complex sentences, the aim is the development of unified, coherently linked sentences, paragraphs, and elementary compositions. Topics in grammar are reviewed in context and more complex sentence structure is covered, with students expected to begin producing more sophisticated texts with greater facility and flexibility. In the reading component, it continues to prepare students to cultivate the habit of reading, to master essential reading skills, match appropriate skills to varied text types, and to decode new vocabulary in context. CEFR: Writing from low B1 to high B1, Reading from mid A2 to mid B1.
PRPW 0061: Advanced Writing Skills
PRPW 0061 is an advanced-level course for EFL learners. This course exposes PMU students to an increasingly student-centered, interactive EFL classroom environment and the expectations in that environment. It continues to develop and strengthen students’ writing skills to include complex sentence patterns leading to well-organized and structured texts. In addition, students will continue to read daily, improve specific reading skills, acquire more passive and active vocabulary for communication, and expand awareness of complex grammar structures while advancing to internalization of those more familiar. By the end of the course students should attain a mid to high B1 CEFR level in reading and a B2 in writing.
PRPE 0002 Pre-Beginner Enhanced Learning
PRPE 0021 Beginner Enhanced Learning
PRPI 0041 Intermediate Enhanced Learning
PRPA 0061 Advanced Enhanced Learning
Enhanced Learning is a project based course complementing work done in the English courses. Students practice English skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, acquire new vocabulary and work on PMU core competencies as they work individually or in small groups to brainstorm the idea for a project, plan it, execute it and present it in the classroom or to a wider university audience.
PRPL 0011: Theories and Applications of Learning I (Study Skills I)
This course aims to increase the opportunity for success for intermediate-level students by teaching proven academic learning strategies requiring in-depth analysis and consistent application, resulting in academic success and preparation for professional careers. These skills and strategies include motivation and goal setting, learning styles, time management, self-assessment, academic reading, note-taking, test taking, memory techniques, communication and teamwork, and the use of technology (Microsoft software applications) for class and home assignments. The successful student will master a repertoire of skills that will provide great benefit to his/her professional careers, and enable him/her to become an effective lifelong learner.
PRPL 0012: Theories and Applications of Learning II (Study Skills II)
This course builds on the learning strategies, computer literacy skills, and self-management skills that students have gained in PRPL 0011: Theories and Applications of Learning I by introducing foundational critical thinking skills. It will also continue to develop students’ team communication and electronic resource skills. Through continued guided application of learning strategies, individual assistance with course and major selection, and discussion of career and professional development students will continue to build skills necessary to academic success.
The goal of the mathematics component of the PMU Preparatory Program is to enhance students’ understanding of mathematics in the English language as well as to prepare them for the study of college-level mathematics. Students entering PMU may possess some of the pre-requisite skills to do college-level mathematics, but they will need additional practice to be competent in college-level mathematics in English. The instructional strategies and assessments for these Preparatory mathematics courses are designed to give students a necessary review of pre-college mathematics as well as to provide practice in speaking and writing about mathematics in English.
All PMU students must take PRPM 0011 Introductory Algebra. Students must be enrolled in the intermediate-level English courses or above before taking this course.
Students then take either PRPM 0012 Intermediate Algebra or PRPM 0022 Pre-Calculus depending on their intended major (see chart below).
PRPM 0011: Introductory Algebra
This course is an introduction to mathematical thinking in the context of the real number system and functional relationships. To assist in solving problems, the course incorporates the use of technology, specifically graphing calculators and Excel spreadsheets.
PRPM 0012: Intermediate Algebra
A continuation of PRPM 0011, this course focuses on mathematical thinking and data analysis applied to linear, quadratic, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions. The course incorporates the use of technology to help solve problems, specifically through the use of graphing calculators and Excel spreadsheets.
PRPM 0022: Pre-Calculus
This course provides an overview of pre-calculus mathematics with an emphasis on elementary functions and their applications. The course incorporates the use of technology to help solve problems, specifically through the use of graphing calculators and Excel spreadsheets.